
Thursday, January 23, 2020

2004 King Arthur film reflection

Honestly when watching the trailer and clips from this movie, I wasn’t too surprised with how King Arthur was depicted. He’s shown as heroic, selfless and noble; most if not all of these traits are frequently attached to King Arthur. A few things that surprised me was how they showed the knights. When people think of King Arthur and his knights, people tend to lump them together in terms of personality and assume that they're all great people, noble and selfless. I enjoyed the fact they showed the knights as fallible, and how they were able to react with human emotions. They were so close to being able to go back to Rome and be free, which had been their goal all along. Arthur had chosen to stay which isn’t surprising considering his personality traits previously depicted in the movie. It was refreshingly surprising to me however that the knights originally were going to leave and head back to Rome. They weren’t happy about leaving Arthur behind, but from the trailer and the beginning of the movie it seemed they considered Rome there home rather than Britain(which is quite different for the normal depictions of the story, typically they were of Roman and Celtic descent but live in Britain not Rome). They felt they had earned their freedom and this fight for Britain was not their fight. In the end they, of course, stayed with Arthur, which I felt was true to their origins and really demonstrated their loyalty to Arthur and what he stands for.  

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